A few brief anecdotes about my trip.
#1 – When eating in the outdoor mall a few blocks from the hotel, I couldn’t help but notice the heaters near the tables. It was at least seventy degrees out. On an unrelated note, the teriyaki chicken was indeed yummy yummy yummy as advertised by what I can only describe as one of the fast-food barkers in the food court.
#2 – There were ten US flags visible from my hotel balcony.
#3 – I ended up watching a bit of Adult Swim over the last couple days. While most of the shows are either poorly animated or unfunny, I enjoyed several of the remainder. One of my favorites is The Big O, a good-looking show with tolerable dialogue and very big robots. Now, anime shows are, of course, fairly deep into the realm of geek, but I don’t hide my affinity for them. Especially not this show. My wife loves it, so I have carte blanche to enjoy The Big O.
The only interesting part of this story is the fact that I stated the previous sentence rather loudly at breakfast yesterday morning, well within earshot of dozens of people.
One reply on “Slow Fade”
Big O is cool. I think it’s funny that they pronounce “deus” like “deuce”. So there’s a robot called “Omega-deuce”, which is something that in real life normally occurs about 30 minutes after eating Mighty Taco.