Geek pride continuously surprises me. How did we get to this point, the point at which reveling in one’s social ineptitude has become a viable social action? This product in particular I find amazing. Hilarious, but amazing.
A direct relationship can be drawn between the broad acceptance of the Geek Nation and the realization of Uncle Bill’s dream of a personal computer in every home. All of a sudden these kids have a purpose in their families. Computer acting up? Call Mikey. Thus a place in modern society, and thus respect and endorsement.
I want to know what the hell geeks did before computers went mainstream. I know they read Dune. Ham radio? Model railroads? What did groups of geeks do before the Playstation? Chess club?
4 replies on “And now it’s ok.”
I think most of them spent their time playing with their fuzzy dice.
The question is, how’d they get porn?
mechanical engineering.
telnet and differential equations.
telnet, diffy q’s, and leisure suit larry.
nuff said.