Part of a series of posts about the my Sartor Classics project. See all the posts here.
Hey, it looks like M. Durand of Ubisoft did indeed receive the book!
Good day Alex,
Wow, I just came back from vacations and received a very nice and strange gift! Had I ordered that? I could not remember of it, nor could I find any trace of it in my accounts. Livingston; who is this guy? Of course, searching for untold answers is my daily work and I was glad I could find an answer that easily.
Eh! Seriously, thank you so much; this is a crazy fan-made gift! I’ll definitely have a deaper look into it and let everyone on the team know about it! And congratulations on making it up to the credits. Hope you enjoyed the game.
2 replies on “The Sartor Classics a été reçu – a word from MTL”
whoa! fantastic!
Vraiment! Merci!