

Story update — ‘Objects in Space’ will be sent to the readers on Monday the 16th, and will appear on the web for all to see one week later. Very excited, as this is my first time having a short-story proper published.

Game update — ‘Sons of the Cherry’ has been sent off to Apple. Hope to hear back within a week or two, and then Choice of Games will be doing a full roll-out.
Personal update — I got a dog.
Yes, he always looks that sad. Yes, I am aware his eyes make him look like a replicant in this photo.

The New Game, and Awkwardness

I wrote and submitted a text-based game to IFComp 2010. The reviews were… well, they varied between “meh” and “I want to find this guy and slap him around for a few hours”. I used the medium to tell a specific story with the user choices varying the details — and the Choice of Games format just isn’t right for that sort of thing.  I mean, “choice” is right there in the title.

Over the last month or so I dug the game out and revamped it, ending up with a much better product. I’ve sent it off for review, and hope to see it up and running soon.

Here’s the thing. It’s set in the American Revolution.

Ok, fine. No big deal. Except that I recently did some stuff with the Assassin’s Creed people, and they just announced their new game, also set in the American Revolution. Awk. Ward.

Not my game

So, I guess in October we’ll see how much similarity there is between our stories.


The Horror Ends!

Runner-up once again. Alas!  This contest, in which an indy game dev challenged the world to write the best Lovecraftian review of their genuinely awesome game, did not go in my favor. From what I can see, the winner deserved it. “It” being an original March 1936 issue of ‘Astounding Stories’ which features part of Mountains of Madness.

Yeah, I was really hoping for that one.At least I made the final cut. And it was fun!

“We are all roamers of vast spaces and travelers in many ages.”
– Beyond the Wall of Sleep


We call them ‘games’, these simulated worlds in which we strain and suffer. Whereas most simply entertain, there exist games of curious and abnormal aspect which reveal to us the sinister, nameless worlds of terror.

I sat by the gaping window of my study one cool evening, singularly unaware of the queer events which were to follow. Before long, I unwittingly found myself in a realm distant from mine in both place and time. The First Great War became the setting for a story in which a small band of soldiers and occultists discovered hideous, indescribable things. The enemy had formed an unholy pact with an Old Ones, and was forming a blasphemous army of Eldritch monstrosities.

Soon, the unknowable mysteries of this place captured my feverish mind. I directed my intrepid squad through the loathsome, defiled trenches of the battlefield into decadent old crypts filled with strange ghouls and men of evil. I found my heartrate increasing as I recognized the black visions of the thin man from Providence.

Would my tactical prowess suit the task at hand? On each turn I prayed for success, for a lucky pistol shot or a successful dodge. God, would I survive the next swipe of an unearthly tentacle? Would I lose what remained of my sanity?

And now you find me as I am today, driven into frightful madness by a game which has shewed me a realm both wondrous and terrible. I present these unlikely statements to you as facts for your investigation and analysis, that you may construe them as suits your mind and temperament. I must encourage any who wish to descend into these hideous visions to take caution, lest you are drawn in by this game and cursed to see it in your mad dreams forever.



Source texts. Secondary sources. Out-of-print books. Essays and wikipedia posts.

Not sure how many hours I’ve spent digging around for the odd details of Rome in the time of Caligula and Claudius for my latest story. Did they have pockets? Was there a fountain in the Forum? What was the source of that aquaduct? Did anyone try to assassinate Caligula? How did they lock their doors? If an auspex read the signs and an augur interpreted them, what did the ceremony look like?

But it is never, ever enough. If I’m going to go rooting around in Graves’s sandbox, I had better have my S together. But the best I can manage at this point is to just not make any flagrant errors.


The Horror!


I write like
H. P. Lovecraft

I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

I’m working on a little project right now, and I hope the analysis above is correct.


The Death Star’s Cost (in USD)

Can a string of Facebook comments be considered fan fiction?  Remember this old post? After the events of Star Wars: A New Hope, no sane member of the Empire would believe the Death Star had been real.

An entire planet destroyed by a battle station? A man-made moon? This baseless nonsense has been sent around the galaxy in forwarded emails and treated as if it were fact. The explosion of Alderaan is the greatest tragedy in recent memory, and marginalized political groups trying to bend the facts to suit their ends is shameful.
Fact: The only accounts of the “obliteration” of Alderaan via a mysterious “Death Star” come from terrorists.
They allege that they destroyed this massive station and killed everyone on it. No witnesses — convenient.
(read the rest here)

Some clever folks have estimated the cost to build a Death Star based on the current price of steel. It’s a lot. Just more fuel for the fan fiction fire.

PS: If you’re going to build a Death Star, make sure your components are genuine.



How to Become a Werewolf. In Skyrim, I mean.

Best executed part of the game.  Here’s the run-down on how to get there fast.

  • The game starts in Helgen. The main plot will send you to Riverwood, then to Whiterun.
  • In Whiterun, go to Jorrvaskr, the mead hall of the Companions.
  • Join the Companions, and participate in their quests up to and including The Silver Hand. Welcome to werewolfdom. But only once a day….
  • At this point, go to the Whiterun Stables and hire a carriage to Falkreath.
  • Three people are standing in a cemetery. Speak with them to receive the quest Ill Met By Moonlight.
  • Do this quest, and choose to help Sinding. Now you can go wolfy whenever the F you want.

Now, I did not do this, but here’s what I’ve heard:

  • Finish the Companions questline, through Glory of the Dead.
  • Speak with Aela the Huntress in Jorvasskr. She will take you on three quests to find Totems of Hircine. These totems augment your wolfiness in various ways.

Happy hunting.


Details on Upcoming Publication

I posted a while back that a story of mine had been selected for publication. Here’s the info I have so far:

My story “Objects in Space” will be published by Daily Science Fiction in April or May.

Per their site:

 We publish “science fiction” in the broad sense of the word: This includes sci-fi, fantasy, slipstream—whatever you’d likely find in the science fiction section of your local bookstore. Our stories are mostly short short fiction each Monday through Thursday, hopefully the right length to read on a coffee break, over lunch, or as a bedtime tale. Friday’s weekend stories are longer.

If you aren’t following these stories, do yourself a favor and remedy that.




A Caution for the Capitol: The Risks of Fairy Dust

I get most of my news during the ten-minute haze after I first wake up. When I hear politicians using the term ‘fairy dust’, it only makes sense. I’m still half-asleep; this must be my dark dreamworld blending with the real.

But no. Those we have elected to govern use this phrase.

From what I can tell, its use began during the season of mists as a punning turn of phrase. It has now come to represent what ‘lipstick on a pig‘ used to — an effort to make something essentially flawed appear better than it is. I detect a touch of the ethereal in its use as well, as with ‘vaporware‘.

I have sounded this trumpet before, and will likely do so again: do not mess with beings both old and powerful.

Fairy dust can grant people the ability to fly if they simply think happy thoughts. It is generated in some way (perhaps some sort of excretion) by the fey folk of Neverland, a wild and foreign country to which England’s missing children are sent. These fairies are a dangerous ally at best. Fickle, violent, jealous, and capable of holding only a single emotion at one time, to include them in your life is to add the unpredictable — and not always in a fun way.

There is one aspect of the fairies which it would serve us to not forget: they are immortal. If one dies, they can be brought back to life with the power of applause.

You have got to be careful with this stuff. Contact between Neverland and our world has been documented only rarely, but we have no way of knowing how many people have been abducted by shadowless foreigners. If children clapping can resurrect one of these beings, what unknown powers are wielded when America’s mighty speak of their dust?

sartor book Uncategorized

The Sartor Classics I – Genesis

In Revelations, old man Ezio falls for a book vendor named Sofia Sartor. Secrets necessary to the completion of his mission are hidden in books throughout the game world, books which Miss Sartor states are out of print and would be lost to human history without your aid.

That’s right. A game which asks you to rescue old books. I think you can imagine my reaction.

Lady, you can count me in.


As the collection grew, it became clear that the library would end up being a nice collection of classics from various countries. The Iliad and Odyssey. The Aeneid. Canterbury Tales. The Arabian Nights. The Nibelungenlied.

And then a few pieces I had never heard of came about. The Hanging Poems. Heimskringla.

Man, I should read this stuff.

Enter and other such sites. Soon ye olde iPad’s bookshelf was replete with these texts.



You know what’d be cool? If Ubisoft printed a collection of these. Like the Harvard Classics or the Loeb.

…with some kind of assassiny secret hidden in it.


Now, I had recently watched some crazytown fan movies. So much time and money spent on these labors of love. So why not try it myself?